Tag Archives: Barack Obama

H8rs’ Recycling Program – African-American Communist Traitors, Oh My!

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Filed under Adventures in the Intertubes, Church of the Poisoned Mind, Republicans and other Perverts

Pardon me, do you have Prince Albert in a can?

Don’t ask Congresscritter Ros-Lehtinen (R-They’re Out To Get Me), she’ll freak out and start screaming threats down the phone:

When Obama introduced himself, Ros-Lehtinen cut him off and said, “I’m sorry but I think this is a joke from one of the South Florida radio stations known for these pranks.” Then she hung up.

Moments later, Obama tried again, this time through his soon-to-be chief of staff, Rahm Emanuel.

“Ileana, I cannot believe you hung up on the President-Elect,” Emanuel said. And then-yes, you know what’s coming-she hung up on Emanuel saying she “didn’t believe the call was legitimate.”

Finally, by crossing his heart and hoping to die, ERL spoke to him. But she still had her doubts:

“You are either very gracious to reach out in such a bipartisan manner or had run out of folks to call if you are truly calling me and Saturday Night Live could use a good Obama impersonator like you,” Ros-Lehtinen joked with the president-elect.

Paranoid and Palinesque.

Christ these people are fucking stupid.

Yeah, yeah. I’ll get back to ripping on the soon-to-be-ex president and his pals once the meds kick in.

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Filed under Fail Watch

Holy shit, history

I don’t intend to cover the campaign because everyone else I read does a much better job. However, I should pause to note that Barack Obama’s nomination is official, shouldn’t I?

You’re right. I don’t know what the hell’s the matter with me either. In my defense, it ain’t exactly a huge surprise and I have to pace myself for the election.

Please don’t tell my mom.

Anyway. I have been wanting to do this:

It’s 0300. The phone rings. Who do you expect to hear the phone?

Contestant # 1

Contestant # 1

Contestant #101

Contestant # 101

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Filed under A break from the fail, Election 2008, Lazy Latte Sipping Islahomo